Buying Time and Safety

Your time is worth a lot. Your safety is worth everything. Leave it to the pros of Paint Doctor’s Painting. Call Mike at 541-497-3804.

An Albany Oregon painting crew gets the job done quickly.

You’ve probably heard the expression “your time is worth something” and at Paint Doctor’s Painting we know it’s true. When you consider the amount of time involved in doing your own paint project compared to hiring the Doctor, we think you will agree. Many property owners significantly underestimate what it takes to wash, prep, caulk, fill, sand, scrape, mask, pack, place, climb, spray, roll, brush, move and do it all again.

However, when you hire the pros at Paint Doctor’s Painting, you get an entire crew that is doing all of these operations at once with the speed and accuracy that comes with doing the job right the first time every day. Rather than having your house in that paint-job-in-process mode for weeks, you can have the whole job completed in a day or two.

Listed here among the top 5 painters in Albany Oregon, Paint Doctor's Painting can save you so much time and keep you safe.

Consider also the safety factor. We have the equipment and knowledge to do the job safely. When you consider how each time you move a ladder and reset it you have to get it just right and even then you are climbing, reaching and working off that ladder… Better left to the pros. Plus our guys know how to handle all of the products with the proper level of masks, respirators, gloves, face coverings, etc. Did you know many paint-related products have components that can be absorbed through the skin?

Top 5 painters in Lebanon, Oregon include Paint Doctor's Painting.

Your time is worth a lot. Your safety is worth everything. Leave it to the pros of Paint Doctor’s Painting. Call Mike at 541-497-3804.