Choosing paint colors can be fun for some and challenging for others. Sherwin-Williams can help with some color concepts staring with the warmth of the colors:
“It’s all in the name. Warm shades of red, orange and yellow are associated with the literal warmth that the sun and fire radiate. These vivid shades are closely tied to energy, joy and positivity, to create a space where the emotion feels uplifting and welcoming.”

Red is symbolic of strength, power and passion, but it’s boldness can often overshadow its versatility. The key to using this hue is focusing on the statement you want to make with it. While the brighter shades of red generate more energy, darker ones tend to show a softer side that’s subtle and conservative. Consider a rich burgundy or brick red when designing for a space where the atmosphere is warm and welcoming, like a dining room.

The overall friendliness of orange makes it an ideal choice for rooms where people gather, but it’s also well suited for front doors that welcome guests into your home. From the bright citrusy hues to the muted earth tones, this happy hue’s versatility allows it to work well with a number of different design styles.

A cheery nature follows yellow wherever it goes. This golden hue triggers thoughts of happiness and sunshine especially when it’s used in a room with lots of natural light. Since it’s often considered to be the brightest warm color, a soft, sunny yellow is the perfect choice for guest bedrooms because it makes everyone feel right at home.