All skilled painters understand that most of the job in painting is preparation. Making sure the surface is ready to receive the product by cleaning, removing or sealing peeling paint, repairing holes, caulking joints, etc. And masking – this is a task that can make or break the quality of the paint job itself and prevent damaging other surfaces
One way property owners get themselves in trouble on painting projects is by thinking “I’ll just get some paint and smear or spray it on.” There is a lot more to it than that. All skilled painters understand that most of the job in painting is preparation. Making sure the surface is ready to receive the product by cleaning, removing or sealing peeling paint, repairing holes, caulking joints, etc. And masking – this is a task that can make or break the quality of the paint job itself and prevent damaging other surfaces.
The right masking materials (tape, paper, plastic sheeting, etc) make a big difference in the results. Clean, straight lines are not automatic. It takes lots of practice to get it right. Understanding the dynamics of the air pressures produced by pressurized paint and how to layer masking, use guards and drop cloths are all big components of a job well done.
Want to get the pros in to do the job right the first time? Call Mike at 541-497-3804.